Since the publication of this small manual of practical Astrology, two editions of which have been exhausted, the attention given to the subject has so far extended as to create an increased demand for a concise work of this nature, designed for the initial use of students and offered at a price...
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Since the publication of this small manual of practical Astrology, two editions of which have been exhausted, the attention given to the subject has so far extended as to create an increased demand for a concise work of this nature, designed for the initial use of students and offered at a price that is within the means of all. It is believed that the revision and enlargement of the present work will render it even more popular than hitherto with beginners.
The practical uses of Astrology are daily more and more recognized and appreciated, and although some of the higher and later developments of Astrology in its relation to every-day problems have necessarily been withheld from these pages, yet it is to be hoped that so much as is here presented of an abstruse and recondite science will enable the student to pursue the subject with increasing assurance and satisfaction, in which case doubtless he will readily discover for himself, and without any special pointing on my part, that Astrology is primarily and finally a practical and useful study.
There are, of course, many aspects of this fascinating subject which find no place in this small work, which deals solely with Genethliacal Astrology, or the doctrine of Nativities. Yet if it be true, as I think to be the case, that “the proper study for mankind is man,” then undoubtedly we are right in selecting this phase of Astrological Science as that to which the student should first devote himself.
When we have thoroughly arrived at an understanding of the complex nature of human character and the primary causes of variety in expression, when we have seen for ourselves how the many-coloured dome of Life overarches us of this sublunary world with its kaleidoscopic interplay of forces, we shall be to some extent better equipped not only to deal with character as we find it, but also to direct the forces of the human mind along channels which lead to the preservation of our social economy, and that not by any restrictive measures or harmful suppression of natural passions and powers, but by conversion of them into forms that are conservative and useful.
To apply oneself to the specialization of inherent faculty, to find the line of least resistance, and to discover the measure of one’s own soul in the universe and the limit to which ambition can safely aspire, these are things necessary to be known and things that Astrology makes clear to the mind in the very earliest stages of our study.
And apart from the scientific verities to which the science of planetary influence directs us, there are other not less important and fascinating truths of a purely philosophic nature to which it inevitably impels the mind and which cannot fail to exercise a tremendous influence in the shaping of our thought in regard to the purpose of life. It places the thoughtful student in an entirely new position with regard to many of the deeper problems of existence, and it is certainly the fact that to those who newly come to its study, Astrology is a revelation, an enlightenment, and a conviction from which there is no possible or desirable escape.
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