This is a bundle of stories 4, 5, & 6 in the Awake in a Dream series. The series follows Lana Murphy as she awakens powerless in an erotic dream world. Collared: Without the fire, brimstone, and sinners, Hell isn't what Lana thought it would be. Whisked through the streets in the dark, she can...
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This is a bundle of stories 4, 5, & 6 in the Awake in a Dream series. The series follows Lana Murphy as she awakens powerless in an erotic dream world.
Without the fire, brimstone, and sinners, Hell isn't what Lana thought it would be. Whisked through the streets in the dark, she can hardly catch a glimpse of the new city she's arrived in. Provided sanctuary in the house of a hedonistic vampire, the rules are quickly made clear. The weak are possessions and the strong are the owners who protect them.
Lana thought she was being led to her freedom when she was rescued from the Processing Plant. Instead, Jonathan, the man she gave her innocence to, asks for more than she ever wanted to give.
The Queen of Helanna is hosting one of her wild orgies for fifty of her closest friends and Lana has been invited.
With little word of where he's going, Jonathan disappears everyday and returns every night only to dominate and ravish Lana. He promised Lana freedom, to help her find her way back to her corporal body, but so far all he has given her is the collar around her neck.
For the first time in Helanna's history, the Queen has extended one of her exclusive invitations to a submissive. Her orgies are wild, hedonistic affairs, and the elite of the city vie to attend. Lana isn't sure what to make of the Queen's interest in her but she is excited about the endless possibilities an orgy can give.
Lana had an explosive good time at the Queen’s orgy but now it’s time to face the repercussions. There are important decisions to be made. Lana is given the choice between two men and choosing the wrong one could mean she is trapped forever in the nightmarish dreamland.
Jonathan is angry with Lana, blaming her for things she has no control of. Blurring the lines of their agreement, he uses the collar around Lana’s neck as a means to vent his frustration.
This is a 14,849 word collection of three stories. These stories are intended for mature readers, 18+, and contain sexual themes, sexual content, and mature language.
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