Beneath Your Wings
Format: free online fiction
Edition language: English
Series: Hot Summer Days
***Read as part of the free [b:Don't Read in the Closet: Volume Two|12993786|Don't Read in the Closet Volume Two|Blaine D. Arden||18154040] anthology. Story #17***3.5 starsThat was quite touching! Love me some angels.
Sweet love story about an angel and a fallen angel.I love "forever" lovestories....."There were so many things they needed to say, so much pain to overcome. But now, they simpley wanted to share their love. After all, there was no rush. They had all the time in the world.This story is a free story f...
*** 3 angel redemption stars ***A sweet story about an angel and a fallen angel reuniting. --------------------------------------A short story in the collection "Don't Read in the Closet, Volume Two" from the MM Romance Group Hot Summer Event 2011.Click HERE for the story online or HERE to download...