Black Tie Optional
Everything about Coleman Grant III oozes power and sex. And not the perfunctory kind either, but the sheet clawing, heart stopping, gasping for air after you’ve screamed so loud you can’t breathe kind. From his dark wavy hair that stands in an artfully rumpled mess, to the blue eyes that sear...
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Everything about Coleman Grant III oozes power and sex. And not the perfunctory kind either, but the sheet clawing, heart stopping, gasping for air after you’ve screamed so loud you can’t breathe kind. From his dark wavy hair that stands in an artfully rumpled mess, to the blue eyes that sear your skin, to his full, sensual lips - on the surface he’s pure perfection.Too ba
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Format: Kindle Edition
Edition language: English
Series: Wild Wedding (#1)
Olivia thought how just like clockwork the SUV came to a stop alongside the curb as it stopped a full alne of Chicago's morning rush hour to a grinding halt. Then Coleman/Cole Grant III gets out of the vehicle to get the same extra hot double shot Americano from the same big chain coffee shop. It l...
I always go into a RomCom with a bit of trepidation, waiting to see if it's going to actually be funny. Happily, I was pleasantly surprised with this fake marriage romance. While the conclusion is predictable (it is a fake romance, after all), the journey was witty and fun. Cole and Olivia create fi...
'Black Tie Optiona'l by Ann Marie Walker is book One in the new series called "Wild Wedding". This is the story of Coleman Grant III and Olivia Ramsey. Cole is the true picture of a Rich Business man with no care for the little things or the environment. Which is whole opposite of Olivia's world. Ol...
FGMAMTC Blog Review + Teaser Pics & Excerpt4.5 starsI was immediately pulled into this story. The idea of a marriage arrangement isn't new, but all the supporting details make Olivia and Cole's relationship stand out. They are almost as different as two people can be, practically archenemies, but ...
He has all the sex appeal of James Bond but all the personality of a modern day Scrooge. What Olivia lacks in sex appeal, she makes up for in heart. Coleman and Olivia are about to learn an important lesson. When you dance with fire, you're bound to get burned. Black Tie Optional fuses heat, heart...