Once a simple student, Karigan G'ladheon finds herself in a world of deadly danger and complex magic, compelled by forces she cannot understand when she becomes a legendary Green Rider-one of the magical messengers of the king. Forced by magic to accept a dangerous fate she would never have...
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Once a simple student, Karigan G'ladheon finds herself in a world of deadly danger and complex magic, compelled by forces she cannot understand when she becomes a legendary Green Rider-one of the magical messengers of the king. Forced by magic to accept a dangerous fate she would never have chosen, headstrong Karigan has become completely devoted to the king and her fellow Riders.But now, an insurrection led by dark magicians threatens to break the boundaries of ancient, evil Blackveil Forest releasing powerful dark magics that have been shut away for a millennium.
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Format: ebook
9781101475560 (1101475560)
Publish date: February 1st 2011
Publisher: Daw Books
Pages no: 720
Edition language: English
Series: Green Rider (#4)
A truly long wait between books in this series. As well-written, action-packed as the others with the characters readers of this series will have invested in. But lots of POV switching, took half the 700+ page book to get to Blackveil and while not exactly a cliffhanger left everything up in the ...
I love the Green Rider series. I fell in love with it six years ago when my best friend handed me Green Rider and told me that I would probably be done with it the next day. She was right. Blackveil, however, just wasn’t up to par for me. What I liked: The suspense is terrific and I am greatly ...
Do you know what the most horrible part was? Knowing that it might take years before book 5 comes out! Yes I do mean years because book 1 came out in the math. The other books have all ended well, even if the doom is out there, but this one, no of course it did not end like that. It ended w...
I'm developing a love/hate relationship with Kristen Britain. While I thoroughly enjoyed this book, some of the things that happened in it were agonizing. At the end we are left with a cliffhanger, which I don't necessarily dislike in general, but it looks like there are 3 to 4 years between the pub...
Okay, I liked this book, I really did. I love all Kristen Britain's books, and far be it from me (an unpublished writer) to criticize someone so talented and brilliant, who's actually made it. But oh my god I was hoping this was the last book! It is absolute torture waiting so many years between boo...