This tragicomic epic brings to life in America the enduring masterpiece of Homer's "Odyssey" and the Irish saga of Joyce's "Ulysses" in a Father's Day in Boston after the Vietnam War in 1974. This new "Bostoniad" portrays the American immigrant descendants of Leopold and Molly Bloom, and Stephen...
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This tragicomic epic brings to life in America the enduring masterpiece of Homer's "Odyssey" and the Irish saga of Joyce's "Ulysses" in a Father's Day in Boston after the Vietnam War in 1974. This new "Bostoniad" portrays the American immigrant descendants of Leopold and Molly Bloom, and Stephen Dedalus of Dublin. After Tim Finnegan's Irish wake Rudy and Penelope Bloom of Beacon Hill meet Harvard Professor, Dr. Thomas Dedalus. "Bloomsday" narrates in a pixilistic style a chorus of New England voices blending to render new verses of the greatest epic of antiquity and the 20th century's most celebrated literary novel on the legendary wandering home of Odysseus after the fall of Troy.
"Bloomsday: The Bostoniad" was read for a Pulitzer Prize in Letters but did not short-list.
"I'm sitting in my kitchen transfixed! It is hilarious... It's so good, I hate to have it end...Totally delicious." -- Agnes Potter,
"This is just such a striking read. I definitely would recommend it."-- Kyrsten Burroughs, Goodreads
"This novel is a wow... with a humorous, shrewd, heightened language, like Oscar Wilde on crack... At times the novel reminded me of the best of JP Donleavy... I am a little in awe of what Lentz attempted here -- and accomplished! This is a grand achievement." -- Corey Mesler, Author of "Following Richard Brautigan"
"I enjoyed reading this book much more than 'Ulysses.' ... I grew to like the characters, to care about them and it was their plain humanity that I loved... A literary masterpiece... Laugh out loud comic moments, moments of touching tenderness and the language is a delight. You must read it."-- Paul Raymond Smith, Goodreads Top 50 Reviewer
"Bloomsday: The Bostoniad, an American Ulysses, is a literary feast, a gem of a novel." -- Leonard Seet, Author of "The Spiritual Life"
"It is to Mr.Lentz's credit as a novelist that the world he has conjured in 'Bloomsday' is new--a synthesis of Joyce and American optimism. We hear reverberations of 'Ulysses' but none of its dark pessimism... 'Bloomsday: The Bostoniad' does what fiction should. It transports the reader to another place, where life unfolds exotically enough to entertain us. And while it works on many levels, and will excite Joyce lovers, no prior reading list is required to enjoy 'Bloomsday'. It pays tribute to its forebears but sings in its own voice." -- Eric Sonnenschein, Author of "Ad Nomad: A Novel"
"But here's the crux of the matter: this is a major work by a major writer - and sophisticated readers will relish it." -- Gerson Halevey
"Bloomsday: The Bostoniad" ranks 18th on the Goodreads' "Style as Text Listopia."
"Curious, appealing... picaresque and picturesque, 'Bloomsday' succeeds... The dialogue is masterful. It will have you smiling." --Woburn Times Chronicle
"Challenges readers seeking a richer literary experience outside the mainstream." --Greenwich Post
"His writing is... on a higher plane for a higher purpose." --Wilton Bulletin
"Lentz especially like to explore how creative people survive in a large and often impersonal environment. What is the role of a talented individual, an artist for example, in a complex, vast society?" --New Canaan Advertiser
"His pixilism is a sort of 21st century, digital metaphor that has similarities to French Impressionist paintings. Each sentence represents an idea, image or treatment of the big picture." --Redding Pilot
"Lentz's approach to writing is soul driven -- searching for the meaning of life." --Weston Forum
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