Set in Ireland in the1970s, Breakfast on Pluto follows the exploits of Patrick “Pussy” Braden, an endearing but deceptively tough young man. Abandoned as a baby in his small Irish hometown and aware from a very early age that he is different, Patrick survives this harsh environment with the aid...
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Set in Ireland in the1970s, Breakfast on Pluto follows the exploits of Patrick “Pussy” Braden, an endearing but deceptively tough young man. Abandoned as a baby in his small Irish hometown and aware from a very early age that he is different, Patrick survives this harsh environment with the aid of his wit, charm and a sweet refusal to let anyone or anything change who he is. This is a surreal and magical tale, a funny, moving and poignant rites of passage novel. It is also a vivid and unsettling comment on the human price paid in the cultural and political climate of Ireland at that time. 'Wild, hilarious, merciless and fiendishly clever' Independent on Sunday 'He is the fortunate possessor of a savage and unfettered imagination; his books . . . dissect life's miseries with a gleaming comedic scalpel' The Times 'It finds humour in places that other writers are afraid to look for it' Sunday Telegraph 'This is a savagely funny and authentically tragic novel of an Ireland in unhappy transition and beneath McCabe's perfectly delivered black comedy lies an angry heart' GQ
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