Bunnfall (William Wisting #6)
9788242148971 (824214897X)
Publish date: August 19th 2010
Publisher: Lydbokforlaget
Edition language: Norwegian
Series: William Wisting (#6)
Really good read. I've tried a few other Scandinavian mysteries and this is the first that kept my interest. The plot was not intricate but unwound slowly throughout the book. (One of my pet peeves is when the sleuth suddenly has an epiphany and solves the mystery in on paragraph. I liked that this ...
I finally got round to reading Jorn Lier Horst in English. Unfortunately, this is the first translation from Norwegian into English and it started off with the 6th volume, not with the first. Shame on you publishers!! Now I'll have to buy the first volumes in German, to see what the fuss is all abou...