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Caminos Cruzados: Juntos, 2 - Community Reviews back

by Ally Condie
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Life Is Classified
Life Is Classified rated it 11 years ago
Hi! I'm now going to review Crossed by Ally Condie, which was fantastic! In this book Cassia goes to the Outer Provinces trying to find Ky with the help of her new friend Indie. Meanwhile, Ky and his friends Vick and Eli try to find the Rising. One of the best things in this book is Ky's POV...
Url Phantomhive
Url Phantomhive rated it 11 years ago
I had some mixed feeling about the first book, Matched, but the ending was very open and very few questions were answered so I decided to give this book a try. It felt as if nothing happened in this book. There's talk about art and a lot of - forbidden- poetry, there's talk about rebellion. There'...
zacspears rated it 11 years ago
I felt that this book did NOT have Second Book Syndrome. I felt that Matched drug on and things were inserted that didn't seem plausible at the time (i.e. Cassia's sudden support of open rebellion and the poetry seemed out of place). Most second books delve too much into characters heads and the...
SakuraMorimoto rated it 11 years ago
The Accidental Reader Book ReviewsPersonally, I wasn't so impressed with this one. And that's why it was so hard to rate this book. I didn't know if it deserves two stars or three but in the end i decided with three so the following reasons.It's not an amazing book lets be clear about that. It is mo...
Unheeded Whispers
Unheeded Whispers rated it 11 years ago
Actual rating: 2.5 starsReview to come.
Lizzie the Sarcastic Blonde
Lizzie the Sarcastic Blonde rated it 11 years ago
This book moved sooooooooo slooooooowlyyyyyyyy!!! I think I would read this book before I went to bed because it would put me to sleep. There was so much going on with Cassia and Ky and Xander and The Rising and The Society... I couldn't keep track of everything. I was excited to read Ky's POV ...
Abril c:
Abril c: rated it 11 years ago
Me gustó y no me gustó, de lo que estoy segura que el comienzo fue la mejor parte de lejos, porque estuve todo ese tiempo rogando a que se encontraran, sufriendo con sus desencuentros. Las muertes y despedidas me afectaron mucho, pero me puso mal, no la palabra ideal sería me molestó y de sobre mane...
brookehaley rated it 12 years ago
Review originally posted [here]. I enjoyed this book, more so than I did Matched. With Matched, Condie just scratched the surface of her characters and we saw more depth to them and their stories in Crossed. I'm really enjoying the Matched trilogy because unlike the Hunger Games (which all dystopi...
tyene rated it 12 years ago
Devo avere qualche problema perché trovo che l'unica cosa interessante di Cassia sia che abbiamo lo stesso colore preferito (il verde) per il resto è anonima e sopratutto noiosissima. Ky non mi ispira niente, preferisco Xander a lui e questo la dice lunga dato che la scrittrice fa di tutto per far p...
Unputdownable Books
Unputdownable Books rated it 12 years ago
I was reluctant to continue the ‘Matched’ series, because I lost the drive to continue it even though I liked the first book a lot. I remember loving the poetic writing style and how beautifully the plot was written out in each chapter. But I learned not to expect the second book will be as good as ...
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