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Chains of Silver - Meredith Rose
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Chains of Silver
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If all the world’s a stage, then I am utterly screwn…In the high-stakes world of the theater, stage fright can seriously crank your career, so apprentice Minx Mellor hides her phobia, studying as a technomancer to create fantastic, steam-powered devices. But when the mysterious serial killer... show more
If all the world’s a stage, then I am utterly screwn…In the high-stakes world of the theater, stage fright can seriously crank your career, so apprentice Minx Mellor hides her phobia, studying as a technomancer to create fantastic, steam-powered devices. But when the mysterious serial killer known as The Peacock targets one of their own, Minx can hide no longer. To save th
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Publisher: Coedwig Books
Edition language: English
Series: Alchemy Empire (#1)
Books by Meredith Rose
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