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Charles Perrault
Birth date: January 12, 1628
Died: May 16, 1703
Charles Perrault's Books
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An Un-Calibrated Centrifuge
An Un-Calibrated Centrifuge rated it 6 years ago
A great book for anyone interested in the history behind selected popular European (I'm pretty sure all the stories were from Europe but I could be wrong) fairytales. The stories include several illustrations from different editions as well, and it's cool to compare the different interpretations.
She's Reading! ♥
She's Reading! ♥ rated it 7 years ago
"Tanto è vero che non tocca agli uomini, miseri come sono, ciechi, imprudenti, malevoli, formar dei desideri; e che pochi fra essi son capaci di ben giovarsi dei doni largiti loro dal cielo."
nente rated it 8 years ago
Эта знакомая нам с детства версия Красной шапочки в переводе Маршака, конечно же, сильно смягчена по сравнению с оригиналом. Вплоть до того, что я вообще не понимаю, зачем здесь на обложке имя Перро. От его исходной жутковатой сказки (в те времена народные сказки вообще на детей не ориентировались, ...
It's a Tori Story
It's a Tori Story rated it 8 years ago
I would use this to counter the Grimm Brothers versions of fairytales. So that the children could see different versions. And we could compare and contrast the stories.
Aren's Library
Aren's Library rated it 10 years ago
One of my favorite fairy tales and nice tie in for the movie.
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