Circle of Fire
In the fifth installment of the Journeys of the Stranger series, legendary hero John Stranger works to break up an eight-man band of night riders who are terrorizing local ranchers near Billings, Montana. As he works to bring justice to the outlaws, John remains unaware that another "stranger"...
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In the fifth installment of the Journeys of the Stranger series, legendary hero John Stranger works to break up an eight-man band of night riders who are terrorizing local ranchers near Billings, Montana. As he works to bring justice to the outlaws, John remains unaware that another "stranger" has adopted his identity and is robbing and murdering people in the area. Ultimately, the Stranger brings in the last night-riding bandit, only to find himself arrested for even worse crimes. Can the Stranger clear his name? The answer lies in Al Lacy's Circle of Fire.
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Format: paperback
9781590527870 (1590527879)
Publish date: June 1st 2006
Publisher: Multnomah Books
Pages no: 276
Edition language: English
Series: Journeys of the Stranger (#5)