by Kate Elliott
This is the final book in Kate Elliott’s Spiritwalker trilogy. It was more entertaining than the middle book, which I thought had a lot more boring and tedious parts. There was one aspect of the story that I feared would be stretched out for the entire book, but it was wrapped up earlier than I ex...
Decent end to the story. I didn't ever warm to the characters, but the books were fun.
Cold Steel is the last book in the Spiritwalker trilogy. Those who have read Cold Magic and Cold Fire are by now well acquainted with the alternate earth imagined by Kate Elliot. In her world, the Roman Empire is still in existence and people live in a feudal state with Princes and Mage houses contr...
The real review is here! Some of you who liked my pre-release comments might want to retract: no offense taken, I promise.This is a 3.5-star book, rounded up because Goodreads still doesn't have half-stars. [b:Cold Magic|7114825|Cold Magic (The Spiritwalker Trilogy, #1)|Kate Elliott|http://d202m5krf...