“The Captain’s Daughter” (also known as “The Daughter of the Commandant” or “Marie: A Story of Russian Love”) is regarded as Pushkin’s best prose work. It was first published in 1836 in the literary journal Sovremennik. This historical novel is dedicated to the events of the Pugachev’s Rebellion...
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“The Captain’s Daughter” (also known as “The Daughter of the Commandant” or “Marie: A Story of Russian Love”) is regarded as Pushkin’s best prose work. It was first published in 1836 in the literary journal Sovremennik. This historical novel is dedicated to the events of the Pugachev’s Rebellion in Russia in 1773-1775. It tells the story of a 17-years-old officer, Peter Grineff, sent by his father into military service. Peter was assigned to a small fortress of Belogorsk, where he fell in love with Maria, the daughter of the commandant…
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