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Craving Temptation - Deborah Fletcher Mello
Craving Temptation
by: (author)
4.50 10
Format: paperback
ISBN: 9780758292988 (0758292988)
Publisher: Dafina, 320 pages, Paperback" />
Pages no: 320
Edition language: English
Community Reviews
TeaStitchRead rated it
4.5 Review: Craving Temptation (Just Desserts #2) by Deborah Fletcher Mello
Romance Bingo - Eye shadow and Bosom square This duology has been sitting on my NOOK for at least two years and I am now kicking myself for not reading it sooner. Also, D.F. Mello is a new-to-me author that I look forward to reading more from in the future. Okay, onto the review of this book: Am...
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