www.thecrimefactory.com/ Issue #3 of noir journal, Crime Factory. Packed with articles and fiction, featuring exclusive content from Peter Temple (Truth; The Broken Shore); Roger Smith (Dust Devils; Wake Up Dead); Leigh Redhead (Peepshow; Thrill City); Nash Edgarton (Blue Tonge Films The Square;...
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www.thecrimefactory.com/ Issue #3 of noir journal, Crime Factory. Packed with articles and fiction, featuring exclusive content from Peter Temple (Truth; The Broken Shore); Roger Smith (Dust Devils; Wake Up Dead); Leigh Redhead (Peepshow; Thrill City); Nash Edgarton (Blue Tonge Films The Square; Star Wars prequels); Jedidiah Ayres (Fierce Bitches; Peckerwood); articles by David Honeybone; Peter “Nerd Of Noir” Dragovich; Liam José and fiction by Kieran Shea; Dennis Tafoya; Greg Bardsley; Sandra Seamans and Dan O’Shea.
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