Nothing is more bittersweet as the love that turns to betrayal in this dark fantasy romance. A Harpy Princess, Alphard, and the Ocean Goddess, Amphis, fall into a forbidden love while living on the Island of Sanctuary known as the kingdom of the Harpy’s. The story tells of their struggle to find...
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Nothing is more bittersweet as the love that turns to betrayal in this dark fantasy romance. A Harpy Princess, Alphard, and the Ocean Goddess, Amphis, fall into a forbidden love while living on the Island of Sanctuary known as the kingdom of the Harpy’s. The story tells of their struggle to find happiness and freedom under unfortunate circumstances that leads to heartache. One tries to escape her fate of becoming a bride, the other is forced to transition into Harpy to become the next queen of the clans.Demons, Mermaids, Werewolves, Fairies, Elves, and more; along with a touch of Greek and Norse mythology is the foundation to this dark romance.Crimson Black is the first installment that focuses on the Greek mythical Harpy through the eyes of Alphard; telling her life’s journey into becoming the Dark Princess. The other half is told through Amphis who falls in love with a girl that is a part of the very race she despises. They both learn the hard way that happily ever after is far beyond reach in this game of hearts.
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