Что видела собака. Про первопроходцев, гениев второго плана, поздние таланты, а также другие истории
Publish date: 2010
Publisher: Москва: Альпина паблишерз
Pages no: 393
Edition language: Russian
Non Fiction,
Book Club,
Short Stories,
Social Science
so much for the Wonderlic. . .
I enjoy Malcolm Gladwell's books. And, overall, this one was interesting and enjoyable to read as well.This collection of his New Yorker pieces really left me thinking, though, that it's a mistake to believe that just because someone gets to be a writer for a prestigious magazine, they know what the...
A collection of Malcolm Gladwell's articles from The New Yorker. Gladwell has a tendency to link together two seemingly unrelated subjects(the breaking of Enron and the investigation into Watergate, for instance) and tie them into a fundamental concept (in that example, the problem of figuring out ...
Malcolm Gladwell is acclaimed writer and journalist. He’s a man full of ambitions, eagerness, success and luck. Not so strange that he decided to write a book or, lets put it better, describe people alike him: intelligent, successful, ambitious and passionate. What the Dog Saw smoothly presents ...
I think I like this one more than the others of his books that I've read. Nice, relatively short articles, typically with a lot to think about. It wouldn't be a MG book without plane crashes, teachers/student test scores, NYC crime, and immigrants, but fortunately he touched on much more than just...