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Cyrus - M.J. Fields
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Book 2 in the Men of Steel Series ~Cyrus~ Truth I know who I am. I’m Cyrus Steel, son, brother, uncle, friend to people I choose to bring into my life. Truth I could "F" up anyone I want. Truth I know the devastation I can and have caused. Truth I can’t change the past, but I have chosen how to... show more
Book 2 in the Men of Steel Series
I know who I am. I’m Cyrus Steel, son, brother, uncle, friend to people I choose to bring into my life.
I could "F" up anyone I want.
I know the devastation I can and have caused.
I can’t change the past, but I have chosen how to live now.
I like to "F", and I will do a chick better than she’s ever been done. Hard and wild. No more than three hook ups. No expectations, no one gets hurt. As long as she agrees …it’s on.
One of my favorite tattoo’s bridges the V, and it says Truth.
A constant reminder of who I was and who I am now.

I wasn’t sure I knew how or even if I should tell him there was no one who loved me. Tony was the last person to say those words to me and he hadn’t meant it. He just wanted to use me.
That’s what this beautiful man underneath me, showed me today. He hadn’t used me, he didn’t even know me. But he thought I was beautiful, and he was nice to me. Tony was wrong about him, and even though I never want to see him again, I wish I could tell him just how wrong he was.

Can truth be altered? Can truth be seen when walls are built for protection, for self preservation? Will self doubt and years of pain cloud two hearts from finding their truth?
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Format: kindle
Pages no: 224
Edition language: English
Series: Men of Steel 0.5 (#2)
Books by M.J. Fields
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