Das Haus, in dem es schräge Böden, sprechende Tiere und Wachstumspulver gibt
Format: hardcover
9783522183390 (3522183398)
ASIN: 3522183398
Publish date: March 19th 2014
Publisher: Thienemann
Pages no: 192
Edition language: Deutsch
The Titling House by Tom Llewellyn What a wonderful book. A bit strange, a hint of darkness, perfect for young (and older) readers who don’t fear adventure lurking in their own homes. A family (Mom, Dad the art curator, two brothers, and Grandpa) move into a strange house they can barely afford wi...
Das Kinderbuch, das ich euch heute vorstellen möchte, birgt eine wirklich schräge (Wortwitz), spannend erzählte Geschichte hinter einem Cover, das mich buchstäblich aus den Socken gehauen hat. Ich liebe dieses Cover, ganz ehrlich! Ich könnte es stundenlang betrachten, weil es die Grundidee des Buche...
Opening line: "The wooden sign on the porch read TILTON HOUSE."Josh Peshik's family has to move and when the realtor shows Josh's parents the Tilton House, which was built to tilt exactly three degrees, his father falls in love with the scribbling all over the walls and the potential discoveries tha...