Davis Grubb
Birth date: July 23, 1913
Died: July 24, 1980
Davis Grubb's Books
Another collection of stories that I've read - but ages ago and October is a good time for a reread. Another great purchase from a used bookstore. Most of these stories are often used in other anthologies, but there are only a few I'll skip or skim. (Like The Monkey's Paw - I really think I've read ...
shoot! shoot! davis grubb kicked me. not just once, but twice i yelled aloud with the tension that his book built up in me. the first was a yelp of fear while the second was one of pure desperation. the terrible production values of this edition notwithstanding (i'm really torn about saying that bec...
Davis Grubb's Night of The Hunter is usually described as a classic horror-thriller. However, it is really more in the line of the dark rural tales of Flannery O'Connor and Carson McCuller. Grubb's talent is in combining the dark reality of rural America of the Great Depression with the modern suspe...
Mehr Thriller als Horror. Reißt einen nicht unbedingt vom Sessel, aber ist doch spannend genug es wirklich zu Ende zu lesen.Am besten hat mir "Was geschah wirklich mit Baby Jane" gefallen, da fiebert man auch so richtig mit.