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Dawn Klehr - Community Reviews back

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Closet Geeks and Slow Mo
Closet Geeks and Slow Mo rated it 8 years ago
This took me forever to read, simply because I found barely time to read. I was traveling on my own in Europe and Taming the Rebel was my traveling companion. In those moments when I found time to read, I savored my time with this cute & fluffy. And let me tell you, it's a great travel companion and...
Closet Geeks and Slow Mo
Closet Geeks and Slow Mo rated it 8 years ago
This took me forever to read, simply because I found barely time to read. I was traveling on my own in Europe and Taming the Rebel was my traveling companion. In those moments when I found time to read, I savored my time with this cute & fluffy. And let me tell you, it's a great travel companion and...
Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms
Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms rated it 9 years ago
*I received a free ARC of If You Wrong Us from Flux via Netgalley in exchange of an honest and unbiased review* This book may be unsuitable for people under 17 years of age due to its use of sexual content, drug and alcohol use, and/or violence. If You Wrong Us by Dawn Klehr Published by Flux on 8...
Great Imaginations
Great Imaginations rated it 11 years ago
Sometimes a book goes wrong because it tries to do so many things at once, and fails to execute any of them in an excellent manner. That was the case here with The Cutting Room Floor. This book tried too hard to be lots of different things--murder mystery, girl confused about her sexuality, thriller...
The Twins Read's BookLikes Page
The Twins Read's BookLikes Page rated it 12 years ago
With a concept like that, how were we supposed to resist? A controlling, manipulative boy who has secretly directed our leading lady's whole life in the hopes that she'll fall in love with him through blackmail and subterfuge. While it's not exactly something a normal high school boy would do, we th...
Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms
Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms rated it 12 years ago
The Cutting Room Floor- Dawn KlehrPublished by: Flux, on 8 October 2013Genres: Contemporary, Mystery, Young AdultPages: 312, Format: eARCSource: ARC Netgalley Dez is the director of the High School's movie club, and Riley is the main actress in the short movie he's making for the film festival. Dez ...
Ashleigh Paige
Ashleigh Paige rated it 12 years ago
See more of my reviews on Birth of a New Witch! My copy was an ARC I received from the publisher for review via NetGalley.2.5 stars.Oh, The Cutting Room Floor. This one came really, really close to being great, but because it didn’t fully understand who it was (much like its co-narrator Riley!), I h...
The Social Potato Reviews
The Social Potato Reviews rated it 12 years ago
If this book could be summed up in one sentence, it would be this: it's all over the place. I swear, it is. What could have been an interesting and intriguing novel turned out to be a mess of many dilemmas and problems, and throughout reading it, I wasn't 100% sure what kind of book it was supposed ...
Ageless Pages Reviews
Ageless Pages Reviews rated it 12 years ago
Read This Review & More Like It @ Ageless Pages Reviews! The Cutting Room Floor is a weird book. It swings between so many ideas and plot avenues that it seems to possess a bit of an identity crisis. This is a book that can't decide if it wants to be a murder mystery, a romance, or an "Issue" nove...
Alicia Wright Brewster
Alicia Wright Brewster rated it 12 years ago
Got it from NetGalley. Thank you, Flux!Please be awesome.
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