Demons of the Heart
Set in a Prep School, this story revolves around the integration of Demon Students into the Human Student population. This will set off a few problems however considering humans carry what Demons call Scent Triggers.The world these high school students live in isn't that light-hearted. They...
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Set in a Prep School, this story revolves around the integration of Demon Students into the Human Student population. This will set off a few problems however considering humans carry what Demons call Scent Triggers.The world these high school students live in isn't that light-hearted. They suddenly find their school, Melean Prep, invaded by the Demon set-- teenagers with
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Publisher: Smashwords
Pages no: 380
Edition language: English
If I had to describe this book in one word, that would be... DRAMA. It was dramaaaa. I closed this book several times, but I keep coming back to read it again. I don't know. I guess I more like it if it has done in high school AU? Check. PNR? Check. Crazy jealous possessive partner? Check. There are...