Der Blutritter (Die verlorenen Reiche, #3)
9783442242627 (3442242622)
Edition language: Deutsch
Series: Kingdoms of Thorn and Bone (#3)
This is the third book out of four in the Kingdoms of Thorn and Bone series and I enjoyed it a lot – about as much as I enjoyed the second book. This book felt a little more concentrated on a smaller set of story lines and characters, although that perception may be inaccurate. I think in reality ...
Not quite as gripping as the first two in the series, this book was still hard to put down. Definitely can't wait to read the conclusion in the fourth and final book, the Born Queen. This book's title is a bit misleading, because you don't find out who/what the Blood Knight is until the very end.
This excellent fantasy series ("Kingdoms of Thorn and Bone") is veryreminiscent of George R.R. Martin's Song of Ice and Fire - except thatit's actually finished! (There's one more book in the series that Ihaven't yet read.) It follows a similar format, structurally, and the'feel' of the writing is v...
I am always surprised that this series does not get anymore attention, because it deserves more. I picked up the first book, The Briar King, on a whim. I was looking for something to read to pass the time and just picked it up at the bookstore because it sounded interesting. I am always looking for ...