Der Leibwächter.
9783453879652 (3453879651)
Edition language: Deutsch
Series: Visitation, North Carolina (#1)
Say No To Joe has plenty of laughs and an abundance of heart. What does it take to build a family? Lori Foster is good at giving questions to ponder in her entertaining reads. What starts out as a battle of wills, evolves into a maturity of the heart. Luna and Joe have much to learn about each other...
Fun, sexy, suspenseful. Emotions felt real. I finished it and immediately went and bought the next book in the series. Loved it too
For awhile I'd always see Lori Foster's books recommended on GR. So awhile back I tried a couple and was happy to see that I liked her style and voice. As I was perusing my local library for the book after [b:Causing Havoc|225588|Causing Havoc (SBC Fighters, #1)|Lori Foster|http://d202m5krfqbpi5.clo...
Very enjoyable story with a good plot and action that moved right along. I especially liked how the romance developed along with the making of a family. Luna inherits two kids who may be in trouble so she asks ex-cop Joe to go with her for protection.
Está claro que a la autora le gustan los personajes fuertes y rudos. Aunque la historia y la trama no me han parecido mal, sí me ha parecido un poco más sosa que el otro libro que leí de ella.3.5/5