I didn't think I was going to like this one, given that I just read and disliked another novel about Muslims living in an Anglo land. I'm happy to report that I was wrong.The novel tells the story of Sirine, who lives with her cranky-but-lovable uncle in "Teherangeles" and who works as a chef in a L...
loved the food connections
This absorbing novel is fascinating, sweet, and sensuously detailed! I developed such a crush on the main character -- between her and her cooking, I was in love!
A passionate, endearing, and engrossing autobiography. Who doesn't recall food from their childhood with pain and affection? Stories are interspersed with recipes (delicious ones, too, having made a few myself!) and it feels like you're sitting down with Ms Abu-Jaber at her dining table, listening t...
I was having a hard time suspending my disbelief about the feral kid bit, fortunately, my disbelief was warranted; okay, a little slow