Die Roten Rieseneine Geschichte Von Leidenschaft Und Wagemut
9783807710563 (3807710566)
Publish date: 2009
Publisher: Rogner & Bernhard
Edition language: Deutsch
Preston was very involved and present throughout this book, so much so I'm not sure if I would classify it as nature memoir rather than narrative nonfiction. His presence added information about the feeling of climbing a giant tree, so I'm not condemning it. The focus of this book was rather more on...
Updated July 10, 2013 - link at bottomPreston looks at the very tallest trees on our planet and the people who seek them out, climb them and study them. This was a very engaging trip into a very unfamiliar territory. One amazing thing was that knowledge of the whereabouts of earth’s wooden giants is...
I enjoyed this--read it episodically over the last few weeks. Some great stuff on the trees, and I wish there'd been more, but the book was really focused on those folks obsessed, in love with the trees. There, too, I enjoyed the portraits, but didn't so much understand as bear witness to such pas...