Looking for New Ways to Release Excess Weight Without Dieting? DIRT CHEAP DETOX: 101 Ways to Detoxify and Release Excess Weight on a Budget offers simple, practical solutions that you can implement right away for safe, natural detoxing & weight loss without the added stress that comes with...
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Looking for New Ways to Release Excess Weight Without Dieting?
DIRT CHEAP DETOX: 101 Ways to Detoxify and Release Excess Weight on a Budget offers simple, practical solutions that you can implement right away for safe, natural detoxing & weight loss without the added stress that comes with dieting.
Inside this book from AP Award-winning author Nicholas J. Meyer, founder of the holistic health website AltHealthWORKS.com, you'll discover:
-How to release excess weight, even belly fat, just by adding to your current diet
-Quick lifestyle tweaks to help you release toxins (and excess fat) every day
-The FREE exercise that puts you in a fat-burning state for a full 24 hours
-How to release your exposure to the #1 toxin in the environment by as much as 81% with one switch
-The best way (and best times) to drink water to help you flush out toxins (and excess fat)
...And Much More!
Detoxing and Losing Weight Naturally is About Much More than “Celebrity-Approved” Diet Plans or Starving Yourself on Cleanses That Are Really Just a Quick Fix
My approach in this book is different, it's about supporting a healthy body chemistry with simple health, lifestyle and fitness practices that are easy to implement and make a big impact.
These tips work, I've personally used them myself to cleanse and release excess body fat and detox for more energy.
If you're ready to experience the benefits of detoxing (and releasing excess weight) on a budget, scroll back up and select the “buy” button to get started.
And if you have a friend who is looking to lose weight and is on a limited budget, you can give this book to them as a gift by clicking the "Give As Gift" button.
Thank you for reading my book and supporting my work.
Nicholas J. Meyer
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