Pantry! The ultimate reference guide for personal and family preparedness. This newest and most informative guide is designed to help consumers find the required preparedness resources--information, products, emergency supplies, long-term storage foods, foodstuffs, items of equipment, and...
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Pantry! The ultimate reference guide for personal and family preparedness. This newest and most informative guide is designed to help consumers find the required preparedness resources--information, products, emergency supplies, long-term storage foods, foodstuffs, items of equipment, and services--all items necessary to achieve any level of personal, family, or organizational preparedness. Year 2000 Computer problem: What the Y2K problem is, how to understand it, and where to find expert resources. In-Home Storage Plan: Getting pantry-ready; planning a food supply; finding & acquiring food; managing long-term storage. Emergency Action Kit: What to include, how to be ready for danger, and how to find products you need. A preparedness Library: Books, periodicals, audio & video, internet & e-mail, AM/FM/SW broadcast. Household Preparedness Notebook: Fill-in-the-blank completion, identify personal & family records, preserve information & vital documents. Gold & Silver: Why buy precious metals, what to acquire for future security, what to do with them. Preparedness Marketplace: 5,000+ preparedness products suppliers, includes retailers, distributors, & manufacturers, listed by Zip Code. FEMA Disaster Resources: Complete listings of: Free publications, teaching aids, low-cost videos, promotional & training information. State Resources: How to contact State agencies, how to utilize the Agricultural Extensions, how to find disasters educational resources. Federal Resources: How to contact Federal Agencies, how to identify Federal agency resources, how to get free and low-cost materials.
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