Double Teenage
Double Teenage tells the story of Celine and Julie, two girls coming of age in the 1990s in a desert town close to the US-Mexico border. Starting from their shared love of theater, the girls move into a wider world that shimmers with intellectual and artistic possibility, but atthe same time, is...
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Double Teenage tells the story of Celine and Julie, two girls coming of age in the 1990s in a desert town close to the US-Mexico border. Starting from their shared love of theater, the girls move into a wider world that shimmers with intellectual and artistic possibility, but atthe same time, is dense with threat.This unrelenting novel shines a spotlight o n paradoxes of Western culture. It asks impossible questions about the media's obsession with sexual violence as it twins with a social unwillingness to look at real pain. It asks what it feels like to be a girl, simultaneously a being and a thing, feeling in a marketplace. Wherever they are--whether in a dance club in El Paso or an art lecture in Vancouver--these characters brush against maddening contradiction and concealed brutality.This is a portrait of the recent past, seen through the cloudy lens of now. It traces the lives of friends struggling within self-destructive realities. Part bildungsroman, part performance score, part passionate essay, part magic spell, what Double Teenage ultimately offers is a way to see through violence into an emotionally alive place beyond the myriad traps of girlhood.
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Format: Paperback
9781771662109 (1771662107)
ASIN: 1771662107
Publish date: 2016-03-24
Publisher: Bookthug
Pages no: 260
Edition language: English
Celine and Julie are negotating the borders of girlhood, wandering back and forth across dotted lines and territories both more and less available to them as the years pass. They trade L.M. Montgomery's girlhood classics for "Law and Order" and Our Bodies, Ourselves, while readers follow in their ...