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Douglas Adams - Community Reviews back

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Calyre rated it 7 years ago
La pluie de type 17 était une sale pluie en rafales qui fouettait son pare-brise avec une telle violence qu'il aurait aussi bien pu faire l'économie de ses essuie-glaces.Il mit à l'épreuve sa théorie en les arrêtant momentanément mais il apparut que la visibilité réussissait à empirer encore.Malheur...
Calyre rated it 7 years ago
Pendant ce temps, sur la Terre, la pluie s'était mise à tomber à seaux et Arthur Dent, assis au fond de sa grotte, passait l'une des soirées les plus pourries de toute son existence, à ressasser tout ce qu'il aurait pu répondre à l'étranger, tout en écrasant les mouches qui passaient également une s...
Calyre rated it 7 years ago
Zaphod frappa la console avec fureur, ignorant les regards éberlués tournés vers lui. "Mon ancien moi est bien mort! délirait-il. Il s'est suicidé! Les morts ne devraient pas rester traîner dans les jambes des vivants!Le bassiste était occupé à mitrailler consciencieusement sa chambre tandis que le ...
Calyre rated it 7 years ago
Les déviations sont ces dispositifs permettant à certaines personnes de se précipiter à fond de train du point A au point B, tandis que d'autres personnes en font de même mais du point B au point A. Les gens qui vivent au point C, exactement situé à mi-chemin, ont souvent tendance à se demander ce q...
pedestrienne rated it 7 years ago
I like that Arthur starts doing things and not reacting to things in this, and I like that Trillian gets fed up and goes and does what she wants and is generally the smartest person in the book, but plotwise this seemed to be the least thought out so far, with them just pinging around time and space...
pedestrienne rated it 7 years ago
I have read this many times as a teen and young adult, but not since I started my Goodreads account. Going back to it is supremely comforting. I'm rereading these books before bed, and it is great before bed reading. With things that I've read a lot, it's like revisiting a dream? Where my remembranc...
Burfobookalicious rated it 7 years ago
At the outset of this short book by the author of 'The Hitch Hiker Trilogy', I was hopeful for a blissful return to the cosmic mayhem of yore. I came upon the book on a hospital shelf and it seemed like a dead ringer to lift the gloom and restore spirits and that it did. As a random choice, it did m...
pedestrienne rated it 7 years ago
I didn't just just read this - it was a staple of my young reading life. But I re-read the first book for a book club and it was funny and comforting and I realized how much it informed my inner monologue.
Yzabel rated it 7 years ago
[I received a copy of this book through NetGalley.](For some reason, when I requested it, I thought it was a graphic novel. Probably because of the cover. I really like that cover.)This was a fast read with good and bad sides, and I’m very much undecided about it.The quick pace gave a sense of urgen...
Momma Says to Read
Momma Says to Read rated it 7 years ago
When I started this one, I felt like I was missing something and soon realized that the source of Michael's heartache had her own book. However, as the story progressed, I realized that this magical tale wasn't so much about all that as it is about hope, happiness, and moving forward. With a bit of ...
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