Dragon's Extraordinary Egg
In this heartwarming story, a dragon in need of an egg finds an abandoned egg in need of a mommy. It seems like the perfect fit, but when that egg hatches, the little baby doesn't look like all the other dragons. In fact, he looks a lot like a penguin! Of course, his mommy loves him no matter...
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In this heartwarming story, a dragon in need of an egg finds an abandoned egg in need of a mommy. It seems like the perfect fit, but when that egg hatches, the little baby doesn't look like all the other dragons. In fact, he looks a lot like a penguin! Of course, his mommy loves him no matter what. But the other young dragons aren't so sure. Little do they know that their feathered friend's differences will save the day! Sometimes things happen for a reason . . . and some families are just meant to be together.
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Format: hardcover
9780802737595 (0802737595)
ASIN: 0802737595
Publish date: 2014-10-14
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Pages no: 32
Edition language: English
Picture Books,
Spring comes, it is warm and all the Dragons are having eggs. All the Dragons, but one. So, she goes off to be alone for a bit and finds an egg with no mother. The Dragon takes the egg and loves it as her own. When the egg hatched, it didn't look like the other young Dragons. Will Little One be able...