This is the seventh episode in the first season of Born to the Blade, an eleven-episode serial from Serial Box. This episode is written by Cassandra Khaw. The ties that bind the careful peace of Twaa-Fei are snapping one by one. Friendships new and old are being shattered by tension, suspicion,...
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This is the seventh episode in the first season of Born to the Blade, an eleven-episode serial from Serial Box. This episode is written by Cassandra Khaw.
The ties that bind the careful peace of Twaa-Fei are snapping one by one. Friendships new and old are being shattered by tension, suspicion, and outright warmongering among the nations of the sky. The drums of war are beginning to beat so loud that no one can hear anything else. Kris Denn, the warder for Rumika, has discovered that the man they thought was their friend, Adechike Ekutu, the Quloi junior warder, has been keeping dossiers on all the important figures on Twaa-Fei — including Kris. But Kris violated Adechike's privacy to do so, and when they go to Warder Ojo Kante of Quloo, who is also Adechike's uncle, Ojo turns cold and then bests Kris in a duel. Oda no Michiko, the junior warder for Kakute, finds herself suddenly elevated to senior warder when her boss cryptically resigns, then vanishes. And a massive Quloo warship has appeared in the neutral skies over Twaa-Fei, provoking an angry response from, well, everyone.
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