El Libro Negro/ The Black Book (Spanish Edition)
9788483466544 (8483466546)
Edition language: Spanish
He decidido que la verdad a la que tú llamabas misterio y tras la que nos has hecho correr durante tantos años (habla al columnista Celâl), eso que sabías sin saber y sobre todo que escribías sin comprenderlo, es lo siguiente: ¡en este país nadie puede ser él mismo! En el país de los derrotados y lo...
I'd like to give this book 3.5. It's really an interesting book, and a very rich one which could be analyzed to death. But - it didn't grab me, I couldn't not put it down, etc., and some parts of it were a bit tedious. I will remember it though! Also, extra points for the structure of the book!
This is going to the unfinished pile. The writing style is too dense, and I just don't have the patience to plow through it right now. Also, the chapters alternate between the not-so-straightforward narrative and newspaper columns, and after the first such column I just wanted to skip them all.