In the period of a week, through the daylight and nighttime hours, Galip, a young lawyer, embarks on the search of his vanished wife, Rya. Armed with a letter containing only nineteen words and a profound love for Rya, Galip takes on the identity of his wife’s half brother Jelal, a newspaper...
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In the period of a week, through the daylight and nighttime hours, Galip, a young lawyer, embarks on the search of his vanished wife, Rya. Armed with a letter containing only nineteen words and a profound love for Rya, Galip takes on the identity of his wife’s half brother Jelal, a newspaper columnist who had tried to instigate a military coup in the 1960’s and allegedly betrayed the revolutionary cause, and who has also vanished. A magnificent mystery novel set in magical Istanbul. Description in Spanish: Durante una semana, días y noches en la mágica capital de Turquía, un joven abogado, Galip, emprende la búsqueda de su mujer, a quien ama con locura desde la infancia, y que ha desaparecido dejando una carta de diecinueve palabras. ¿Se trata de un juego? ¿De un adiós? En cualquier caso, será también el descubrimiento de su propia identidad. A lo largo de la investigación, llena de misticismo y sorpresas cabalísticas, el lector acompañará al protagonista siguiendo indicios, reuniendo pistas, dentro de una coherente trama de espejismos e ironías. Con inteligencia y maestría, Orhan Pamuk construye una novela de misterio totalmente original.
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