Ein Mann betritt eine Kirche. In seinen Armen trägt er seinen bewusstlosen Sohn, den er vorsichtig auf einer der Kirchenbänke niederlegt. Er geht danach zum Beichtstuhl, sieht, dass dort ein Priester sitzt. Der Name des Paters erschreckt ihn kurz, aber dann nimmt er Platz und beginnt mit der Beichte...
This book was different.My friend gave me a copy of this book and told me it was good.We don’t share the same taste in books but I still tried it out.Jean-Baptiste Grenouille was not your typical lead character in a novel.He was not something that you would like.He was a murderer.But there was somet...
It's one of those books that clearly demontrates that not everything can be successfully conveyed in a movie. The world Suskind creates with his words - the world of scent - is unique, achingly beautiful and somewhat disturbing. A masterpiece in artistic expression throught literature... The story...
So I actually watched the film before I read the book. So far, I think it was pretty accurate, except with some parts like the cave scene, the after cave scene, and I think those details were ok to be deleted in the film. But what I preferred more with the book is how I understood the protagonist's...
Perfume reads like a fairy tale, with the kind of lush imagery that actually compelled me to hire the DVD while I was halfway through it. I’m actually stuck, not really sure what I want to say about this book. I enjoyed it, reading most of it while curled up in a chair on the front porch, not notici...
One of the strangest stories I've ever read. When I noticed the movie (which was even stranger) was based on a book I almost ran to the local liberary to get it. Glad I didn't, as liberaries tend to be closed at night. Anyway, this story is about a pathetic deformed boy/man, who has an absolute sen...
Sometimes the convoluted sentences threw me for a loop. Nothing interrupts beautiful prose like a "wait...what?" Likeable book but I sort of expected more from it somehow. I also really didn't like the end, it seemed both too convenient and like a cop-out.
I really loved this book. I am a "smeller" too, as in I always smell everything and certain smells trigger certain memories and feelings. So this book really kept me interested. But it's also very well written in my opinion, even though it's not a happy-to-go book. The movie was spot on too!
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