El profesor de francés
Laura Kinsale (author)
9788401383663 (8401383668)
Edition language: Spanish
European Literature,
British Literature,
Historical Fiction,
Historical Romance,
Regency Romance
I bought and read this book in the hopes I will be as delighted and entranced with it as with Laura Kinsale's other book called "Flowers From The Storm" which is one of my personal favourites when it comes to historical romances. I will not go to great lengths in explaining why I find this book so...
How lovely these two are. So lovely, indeed. I was just about shy of banging my head against the wall, at the very end, with a sinking feeling they'll never come around. But... they are too lovely for that, I suppose.
Beautiful, beautiful story. Juliana and Lady Danielle's reviews say almost everything I would want to say about this book, and much better than I could do. The only thing I would add is that the book is not just a heartfelt love story but also absolutely hilarious - this is by far the funniest roman...
Definitely avoid; too sweet and too romantic in love hero.
This book was ok as a romance, but a disappointment as a Kinsale romance. Cute characters, meandering plot, and kind of a frustrating conflict.