En Patagonie
Bruce Chatwin (author)
9782246398141 (2246398142)
Publisher: Grasset
Edition language: French
More tone poem than travelogue, this reads like a series of evenings at an especially erudite, obsessive uncle's house. An uncle who falls asleep rather quickly after dinner, so keeps his stories short.
Part travelog, part oral history, part amateur archaeological text, part memoir. Totally unique and a far cry from Theroux's more traditional travel writing. Theroux takes the train, Chatwin hitchhikes - and perhaps that is why their experiences are so different. Chatwin is also much more concerned ...
This is not a travelogue, in any normal sense. It is rather a collection of 97 very short vignettes (almost like 'palm-in-the-hand' stories), many (as is now generally admitted) partially fictionalized, based on Chatwin's wanderings and readings and musings and imaginings about Patagonia, aka 'the e...
I bought this because I want to learn more about the Welsh inhabitants of this bleak landscape. In my grandmother's dining-room there was a glass-fronted cabinet and in the cabinet a piece of skin.