"Euphoric Drift" instantly takes the reader on an intimate journey through the ins and outs of UFO encounter, and the resulting mystifying aftermath. Meticulously crafted by a UFO abductee, these poetic snippets of multiple-perspective experiences reveal an exploration of ambiguity--and through...
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"Euphoric Drift" instantly takes the reader on an intimate journey through the ins and outs of UFO encounter, and the resulting mystifying aftermath. Meticulously crafted by a UFO abductee, these poetic snippets of multiple-perspective experiences reveal an exploration of ambiguity--and through that exploration, an examination of the innermost self arises. Obscurity merges with the rigidity of real-life in this collection of compelling poems. By book's end, your psyche will inevitably drift to the far reaches of the cosmos and beyond.This collection of poetry focuses on UFO sightings from different personas who integrate their encounter with a life already crisscrossed with issues from relationships, personal ambitions, and exploration of the self. Ashley Parker Owens is a writer, artist, and UFO abductee living in Richmond, Kentucky, USA.
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