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Evidence That Demands a Verdict, 2 - Josh McDowell
Evidence That Demands a Verdict, 2
by: (author)
3.00 15
Among important books in the defense of Christianity, this one has few equals. Evidence That Demands a Verdict is an easy-to-read, front-line defense for Christians facing the tough questions of critics and skeptics. Using secular evidences and other historical sources, Josh McDowell's... show more
Among important books in the defense of Christianity, this one has few equals. Evidence That Demands a Verdict is an easy-to-read, front-line defense for Christians facing the tough questions of critics and skeptics. Using secular evidences and other historical sources, Josh McDowell's faith-building book is a "must read" for every Christian.
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Format: paperback
ISBN: 9780785243045 (0785243046)
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Edition language: English
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Philosophical Musings of a Book Nerd
Philosophical Musings of a Book Nerd rated it
2.5 An academic examination of Biblical criticism
This book differs from Evidence that Demands a Verdict in that where the first book was simply a collection of notes that brought about evidence that supported the existence and the incarnation of Christ, this book is written more in a traditional form and seeks to undermine two prominent theories, ...
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