How would you like to read this story?Carly at the Festival (The Younger Woman’s Reluctant Public Gangbang)A Group Sex Erotica Story with Rough Double Penetration by Skyler FrenchCarly didn’t really want to go to the music festival but she agreed to meet her friend there anyway, and it didn’t...
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How would you like to read this story?Carly at the Festival (The Younger Woman’s Reluctant Public Gangbang)A Group Sex Erotica Story with Rough Double Penetration by Skyler FrenchCarly didn’t really want to go to the music festival but she agreed to meet her friend there anyway, and it didn’t take long for her to enjoy the dancing and the hot boys. She wanted to find Danni to thank her but she got caught up doing sexy dances with a few boys and then more than a few. Things were sexy and flirty and fun… and then they got crazy! Some of the boys took her flirting seriously and their hands wandered. Before she really knew what was going on, clothes were coming off! Strangers! She was with strangers and while the music played there was a hell of a lot more than dancing to contend with, including her first anal sex with a crazy double penetration!Well, that’s just one of the exciting sex with stranger stories you’ll find in this collection. Click now and the whole thing can be on your Kindle reader in just a second!2. Bent on the BoatA Rough First Anal Sex with Stranger Erotica Story by Sandra StrikeWhen Sophie’s best friend suggests she try an online dating site, she of course refuses. That doesn’t stop Kat from creating a profile, and by the time Sophie can get her to give up the login information, she already has a match. She’s still hesitant, but she’s intrigued and agrees to go on a half-day fishing cruise. The only problem is her date doesn’t show up! It would be a humiliating bust if the captain weren’t such a perfect and charming man. She decides to do the fishing trip with him, and she’s amazed at how wonderful he is. In fact, she can’t say no when he decides he can’t resist her, and he’s about to give her a rough sex encounter she’ll never forget, complete with her first anal sex experience! 3. Picked Up at the BarRough Sex with a Stranger by Sandra StrikeCamilla’s life has been a little stressful, and her best friend Muriel isn’t putting up with it. What better way to blow off a little steam than a one night stand with a complete stranger? At the bar, she tells a handsome stranger she’s planning to fuck him, and with a sexy and beautiful girl like Camilla, how can he resist? Before the night is through, she’ll have a steamy one night stand, a thrilling a satisfying stranger sex encounter! 4. The Personal AdA Rough First Anal Sex with Stranger Erotica Story by Sandra StrikeIt was one of those stupid drunk-induced dares, and when Caroline woke up hung over and realized she’d put up a post asking for men willing to have very, very rough sex with her, she immediately deleted the ad and chalked it up to the alcohol. There were already plenty of replies though, and she deleted them one by one until she came across an email that intrigued her and sent her on a journey to very rough first anal sex with a complete stranger.5. Threesome in My CabA Public Sex Erotica Story by Andi AllynWhen I picked up the pretty young lady, it was going to be a really small fare, so I was pleasantly surprised when a young man asked to share the cab and begged to let him get to the airport first and she agreed. That surprise was nothing compared to what came next, though! Before we’d gone a few blocks the two were going at it! I should have stopped them but the girl was so beautiful and the boy…well, he was particularly well endowed!
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