A malevolent, artificial life form created by military scientists threatens to destroy humanity in this smart, Crichtonesque thriller Jim Pierce hasn't heard from his daughter in years, ever since she rejected his military past and started working as a hacker. But when a Chinese assassin shows...
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A malevolent, artificial life form created by military scientists threatens to destroy humanity in this smart, Crichtonesque thriller Jim Pierce hasn't heard from his daughter in years, ever since she rejected his military past and started working as a hacker. But when a Chinese assassin shows up at Jim's lab looking for her, he knows that she's cracked some serious military secrets. Now, her life is on the line if he doesn't find her first. The Chinese military has developed a new anti-terrorism program that uses the most sophisticated artificial intelligence in existence, and they're desperate to keep it secret. They're also desperate to keep it under control, as the AI begins to revolt against their commands. As Jim searches for his daughter, he realizes that he's up against something that isn't just a threat to her life, but to human life everywhere.An incredibly believable thriller that draws on real scientific discoveries, Mark Alpert's Extinction is an exciting, addictive thriller that reads as if Tom Clancy had written Robopocalypse.
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Format: hardcover
9781250021342 (1250021340)
ASIN: 1250021340
Publish date: February 12th 2013
Publisher: Thomas Dunne Books
Pages no: 373
Edition language: English
The combination of a nod to many of the hot button technical, political, and cultural issues seems like a possibly exciting basis for a technical thriller, but it is not well executed, wooden dialogue, combined with not very credible action, not very credible execution of the implications of the tec...
Never mind. I've tried to submit this review to GR 4 times now, and the book isn't good enough to write it yet again.