In 2061, a young scientist invents a time machine to fix a tragedy in his past. But his good intentions turn catastrophic when an early test reveals something unexpected: the end of the world.A desperate plan is formed. Recruit three heroes, ordinary humans capable of extraordinary things, and...
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In 2061, a young scientist invents a time machine to fix a tragedy in his past. But his good intentions turn catastrophic when an early test reveals something unexpected: the end of the world.A desperate plan is formed. Recruit three heroes, ordinary humans capable of extraordinary things, and change the future.Safa Patel is an elite police officer, on duty when Downing St
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Publisher: 47north
Pages no: 400
Edition language: English
Series: Extracted Trilogy (#1)
Extracted is a difficult book to like. If you do like it (and I did end up doing so), it’s difficult to say why. It’s not particularly well-written. While the dialogue cracked me up, the writing was generally just a bit off. The book starts, stops, and sputters along, frequently finding a rhythm an...