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Fight Club - Community Reviews back

by Chuck Palahniuk
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kennethjmcginnis rated it 11 years ago
BUGGY rated it 11 years ago
Opening line: “Tyler gets me a job as a waiter, after Tyler’s pushing a gun in my mouth and saying, the first step to eternal life is you have to die” There’s not much I can say about FIGHT CLUB that hasn’t been said already (besides I’m not supposed to talk about it -first rule of FC and all) It’...
1984 rated it 11 years ago
I knew the plot twist from the get-go because my sister had to read this book for college and she was talking about her essay analysis in the car. Of course, then she was like, "Oh, you haven't read Fight Club? Here you go!" And my friends were like, "SHE TOLD YOU THE TWIST?! YOUR SISTER MUST DIE." ...
DanySpike rated it 11 years ago
4,5 estrellas! Qué entretenido fue leer este libro. No he visto la película, así que para los que tampoco la han visto, en resumen se trata de lo siguiente: Un tipo al cual nunca mencionan su nombre está tan chato de su vida, de su pega, y de todas las cosas que le han pasado, que desarrolla un inso...
shell pebble
shell pebble rated it 12 years ago
A book I read in one session and finished flat on my back in the greenish dawn light of a poisoned Earth
There's more to life than reading, but it's a good place to start
I had a dream the other night which freaked me right out, I thought I would share it ... So I'm at college (in my dream that is) and the tutor is blah blah blahing on. One of the other students cracks under the pressure of being forced to listen to this endless monologue about something relating t...
Ryan DeJonghe - The Avid Reader
Ryan DeJonghe - The Avid Reader rated it 12 years ago
I hated Catcher in the Rye. I still do. Anyone giving it five stars probably hasn’t read it since high school. I agree, the book had a serious cultural impact, but it has become dated. I nominate Fight Club to takes its place on reading lists.Okay, I get it, we can’t do that. One book features a stu...
more focus, miss mori
more focus, miss mori rated it 12 years ago
Fight Club delivers like a punch; fast, powerful, smartly-aimed. The aftermath of Fight Club is the same; it leaves you disoriented but, at the same time, amped up and thrilled. The first rule of Fight Club is that you must read it.
johanpatricksy rated it 12 years ago
I like the last part! Thumbs up for my first Chuck
Tyson Adams Reviews
Tyson Adams Reviews rated it 12 years ago
I loved the film and the book was almost like a screenplay for the film. Very faithful adaptation.The thing I like most about this book is the social commentary about the alienation of young men. This is definitely something that taps into an angry vein underlying the modern man.Reading it for a sec...
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