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First Encyclopedia of Seas & Oceans - Ben Denne
First Encyclopedia of Seas & Oceans
by: (author)
Introduces young readers to the wonders of the sea. Filled with information on waves, currents, marine life and ocean exploration, this book answers such questions as 'How deep is the ocean?' 'Which fish can blow itself up like a balloon?' and 'How do dolphins use sound to hunt?'
Introduces young readers to the wonders of the sea. Filled with information on waves, currents, marine life and ocean exploration, this book answers such questions as 'How deep is the ocean?' 'Which fish can blow itself up like a balloon?' and 'How do dolphins use sound to hunt?'
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Format: hardcover
ISBN: 9781409525073 (1409525074)
Publisher: Usborne Books
Pages no: 64
Edition language: English
Other editions (1)
Books by Ben Denne
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