ONE ALGORITHM: EXECUTED. FOUR TONS OF GOLD: GONE."ONE OF THE YEAR'S BEST THRILLERS" - BestThrillers.comWhen a rogue quantitative programmer intentionally crashes the gold index, it seems that Wall Street's worst nightmare has come true. In truth, the crisis has just begun.Across town, an armored...
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ONE ALGORITHM: EXECUTED. FOUR TONS OF GOLD: GONE."ONE OF THE YEAR'S BEST THRILLERS" - BestThrillers.comWhen a rogue quantitative programmer intentionally crashes the gold index, it seems that Wall Street's worst nightmare has come true. In truth, the crisis has just begun.Across town, an armored truck filled with $120M of gold bullion is hijacked by an ingeniously crafted electromagnetic crane and seemingly driven into thin air.Programmer David Belov discovers that his virtual "Flash Crash" was simply a required stepping stone towards the largest physical gold robbery in history, and that's he's been framed for the resulting chaos, the lives of his beloved wife and son on the balance...With brooding, hardboiled NYPD detective Jake Rivett and the NYPD's finest operators from the Major Crimes Division actively seeking to locate and arrest David, and other, darker elements nipping at his heels, David is forced to confront his own past in order to have a future.Proving his innocence, and nailing those responsible, will propel David from the corridors of elite trading floors in the untouchable and hubristic spires of Manhattan to the row houses and local mobsters of his native Bensonhurst. It will force David--a man who has always been stuck between two worlds--to dig beneath the surface separating the two, all the way to an impenetrable gold vault filled with hundreds of tons of untraceable commodities.Rated "One of the year's Best Thrillers" by, Flash Crash is part financial thriller, part technothriller, and part gripping heist mystery.
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