Oh, Now this one was more my speed. This one had the depth that I think was lacking in the first book of the series, Maid for Love.One thing I liked about it was that it was told a lot from the perspective of the hero. Joe Cantrell has been in love with Janey McCarthy forever. But she has been wi...
I thought it couldn't get any better than Mac and Maddie's story. The way Joe loves Janey makes you want to yank him off the page and kiss him. No one writes to-die-for heroes like Marie Force.
This the second book in "The McCarthy's of Gansett Island".Janey McCarthy is the youngest and the only girl in a family of 5 children. She is traumatized when she plans a surprise visit to her fiancee in Boston where He is doing His MD Internship (a man she has been with for over 13 years)only to d...