Embroiled in a fight with Mexican Illegals, the residents of Douglas, Arizona, a small border town struggle to keep their ranches and possessions safe with tragic indifference. The United States Border Patrol have failed, Homeland Security is not providing the necessary protection for this...
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Embroiled in a fight with Mexican Illegals, the residents of Douglas, Arizona, a small border town struggle to keep their ranches and possessions safe with tragic indifference.
The United States Border Patrol have failed, Homeland Security is not providing the necessary protection for this community only 28 miles from the border, forcing both sides of the fence into Battle.
Colton Kurt, a solitary rancher tries to make sense of all the changes affecting himself, the Mexican Illegals and his ranching community. Unexpectedly a brave woman steps up to befriend and support him in protecting his ranch.
Alice Walker, a lonely woman. Living a serene, tranquil life. Surprises herself by getting involved in this battle. Forming a strong bond of hope with Colt, willing to give her heart to one special man.
In an obscure village in Mexico. Carlos, a young man is willing to take a chance by carrying drugs across the United States Border for “The Drug Cartel”. He has already been forced to kill, he no longer has a conscience. Cold, fearless, and greedy, he has become a Killing Machine. He wants freedom across the Border at whatever the cost.
The residents of Douglas, Arizona have a name for this Mexican Border Crossing, it's called HELL'S GATE USA.......
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