This book tells the story of what happened when a movie star known for his portrayal of Jesus Christ in The Passion of the Christ, Jim Caviezel, looked into this successful man’s eyes one day and challenged him just as Christ challenged the rich young man. He dared Andy to visit Medjugorje, an...
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This book tells the story of what happened when a movie star known for his portrayal of Jesus Christ in The Passion of the Christ, Jim Caviezel, looked into this successful man’s eyes one day and challenged him just as Christ challenged the rich young man. He dared Andy to visit Medjugorje, an obscure, poor village in Croatia, where for over thirty years it has been alleged that the Virgin Mary has been visiting earth and calling her children to live lives of prayer, penance and fasting. Andy’s first reaction was predictable; “No way am I flying fifteen hours to pray a Rosary!” But little by little, Our Lady’s call to Andy opened his heart and he boarded that plane, prayed that Rosary and his life has never been the same.
“The past decade of Andy LaVallee’s life shows the power of Men’s Conferences, the impact of good Catholic friendships, the help of the Blessed Mother to draw near to Christ Jesus, the power of fasting, and the positive impact of Catholic social teaching in the workplace. We are fortunate in the Archdiocese of Boston to have leaders such as Andy LaVallee who actively reach out to invite others to experience the joy of living as a disciple within the Catholic community.”
Cardinal Sean O’Malley, Archdiocese of Boston
In 1994, Saint John Paul II wrote: “The whole of the Christian life is like a great pilgrimage to the house of the Father, whose unconditional love for every human creature […] we discover anew each day.” That is the pilgrimage that Andrew LaVallee took and journeyed through. In this pilgrimage we each can experience the fullness of our conversion when the new life of faith from within intersects with the old world from without. For Andrew LaVallee, writing and publishing this journey is yet a testimony of his desire to reach the fullness of his conversion not only for himself but to share its grace with others. May God’s Name be glorified and many people be inspired by this conversion pilgrimage and journey deeper into their own conversion through this book.
Mother Olga of the Sacred Heart,
Mother Servant and Foundress of Daughters of Mary of Nazareth
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