Do you find yourself haunted by desserts? Wrought with regret for not partaking in such sweet decadence, that once past the lips, you fear will hit your hips? Well don’t be. Take it from me, a body-less entity, your body needs sugar or glucose to survive. Why do you think you have these...
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Do you find yourself haunted by desserts? Wrought with regret for not partaking in such sweet decadence, that once past the lips, you fear will hit your hips? Well don’t be. Take it from me, a body-less entity, your body needs sugar or glucose to survive. Why do you think you have these cravings? It’s time you give in, and indulge. I have just the medicine you need, with my cook book of Spookingly Ghoulish Goodies. For the health nuts, or those on a diet, I have a couple recipes for you as well. I will furnish you with a few basic recipes and ramp you up with ideas to make these basic recipes Halloween themed desserts. No worries, nothing too complex. This book serves to inspire, and as an added bonus I will offer you the Ultimate Halloween Trail Mix Buffet List, for your Halloween Party guests, as a take home goodie bag treat, with some special inputs from my friends of course.You might also want to check out my compadres works:Chef Wolfie's Hair Raising Hot PlatesChef Wolfina's Howling Halloween Holiday DelightsZiegfried the Zombie's Good Eats GuideBroom Hilda the Witches' Wicked Kitchen Cauldron Cook BookSpencer Spider's Succulent Salads Cook BookSkinny Bone Jone's Culinary DelightsScarey Crow's Straw Berry Scares Cook BookJack O. Lantern's Pumpkin Platter Cook BookMr. Hoot's Mystery Foods Cook BookJack O. Lantern's Pumpkin Platter Cook BookMr. Mummies Wrapped Up YummiesMr. Monster's Midnight Munchies Cook BookThe Headless Horseman's Hauntingly Delicious DelicaciesThe Grim Reaper's Last Minute MealsFrankie Stein's Franks N' Weenies Dish DelightsLou Saffir's Devilishly Delicious EatsChef Dracula's Bloody Red Vampire Cook BookChristopher Corpse's Culinary Cook BookBlack Kitty's Culinary Cat-Nippies Cook BookBilly Bob Bat’s Wonderful Wingz Cook Book
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